This blog is a YouTube comment repository. If you find a comment you believe will have lasting relevence to the Net as a whole then please, add it here. I don't care about obscenity in words as long as it's not pointless excess. I do care about obscenity in video and though I will link to your video, it can't be viewed at this URL. Otherwise please contribute for the betterment of your World Wibe Web. :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So beautiful and insightful
54spiritedwill54 (4 days ago) Show Hide
420JBUD (4 weeks ago) Show H
pictures and word are beautiful,they just flow together it made me cry a little then i felt my heart get warm and fill with gods love
LVALARA (1 month ago)
Thank you for spreading this message. Namaste

I think that all these comments have something in common.

- Annotations on YouTube - The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Yes.My father was a studentof piano at the conservatory in Milan.He was drafted into the Italian army. When Mussolini commanded Toscanini to play for him and Maestro refused, he did, indeed have Toscanini slapped around.When my father heard this,he left the Italian army, AWOL, joined the Partisans under the command of the martyr, Mina. My father also joined the British Intelligence Service.He fought against his own country and paid dearly.On his deathbed he said,"I did my duty."